Hello, I'm Daisy

The Side Hustle Adventurer!

Whether you dream of turning your passion into a profitable venture or simply want extra income, I want to help you. My mission is to provide you with my real-life experiences, resources, and tools I discover along the way. I hope that I can empower you to take the first step towards your side hustle adventure.

Are you tired of working a 9 to 5 and not earning enough money? Tired of repeating the same day over and over again? I am. It's stressful and draining!

If you are on my page, it's likely you have similar goals as me:

  • You want to start an online side hustle to earn extra income to pay for bills and support yourself/family.

  • You want to diversify your income sources to enhance your financial security to eventually quit your 9 to 5 job you hate.

  • You want to spend your time and energy on things that match what you dream of and what matters to you. Whether that's spending more time with your family or traveling to places you have never been, etc.

So, Who am I?

Hello, I'm Daisy Mejia, the Side Hustle Adventurer. I was born and raised in Wisconsin. At 27, I find myself trapped in the usual cycle of working a 9 AM to 5 PM job at a call center. Can you relate? I was raised with the conviction that education and a stable job would pave my way to financial freedom. But reality hit hard. Despite graduating from the University of Wisconsin Madison in 2019, I found myself trapped in a job that barely made ends meet.

One day, I suddenly realized that I couldn't spend my life chained to a desk, earning so little. That was my breaking point. I decided I couldn't let a mundane job and a meager paycheck define my life. I started observing ordinary people, just like me, making a living online. And that's when it hit me: if they could do it, so could I. So could YOU!

I've embarked on a personal journey, I will delve into various online ventures, all the while sharing my journey on social media. My drive comes from a fierce determination to liberate myself from the confinements of the traditional 9-to-5 grind and the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. I no longer want to make someone else rich. My dream? To create multiple income streams, opening the doors to true financial freedom to support my family.

I'm here to share my experiences and the tools and resources I discover along the way. My hope is simple: I can inspire YOU by baring my soul and struggles. I want to guide you on your journey to financial independence. Together, we can break free from the shackles of the ordinary and build a life we truly deserve.

Are you ready to change your life?

© 2022 Daisy Mejia, LLC - All Rights Reserved